Whale watching season is
CLOSED Re-starts - 1st JUNE, 2025 CLICK here for Whale Watching trips in Hermanus |
Hermanus, South Africa is now famous as one of the best locations to watch Whales in the world - (JUNE to late NOV)
Whale Watching SEASON for Southern Right Whales - CLOSED - re-starts 1st JUNE The migrating Southern Right Whales are the major attraction as they are here for 5 to 6 months to mate and give birth; while also being easy to spot, are very acrobatic and highly active. Humpbacks and Bryde's Whales are also spotted, plus African Penguins, Cape Fur Seals, Skuas and many sea birds are also viewed, with occasionally pods of 3 species of Dolphin - Common, Hump-Back and Bottle-nosed. Boat trips take you out onto the ocean to view them close-up. Only 3 boat licenses are issued so as to minimize disturbing the whales. 1 operates at Hermanus, 1 at Kleinbaai and 1 at Gansbaai, which are about 60 minutes drive around the bay from Hermanus - Boat trips are 2 to 3 hours long. All the boats are various sizes and carry from 30 persons and upwards to 70 persons - all have covered seating areas and upper decks so that you can obtain higher viewing positions to take great photos and each have different prices and discounts for kids and students - please check out our PRICES page Whale Watching walking tours will take you on a gentle walk along our scenic cliff tops for 2 to 3 hours, with our experienced Whale Watching Tour Guide who will take you to all the hidden coves. Visiting the Whale Museum for 20mins to discuss many whale related topics will start this tour. You might also wish to consider Kayaking in the bay, which is a gentle paddle for 2 hours to explore our coastline from the sea in our stable Kayaks. Each Kayak can take 2 persons and is a lovely way to encounter Seals, Penguins, birdlife and hopefully pods of Whales (June to late Nov) and Dolphin, with the incredibly pretty back-drop of our mountains surrounding you. For an incredible birds-eye view of the Whales and the pretty scenery, then how about a flight over all of this fabulous natural splendour? Cessna plane & helicopter flights allow 3 persons to fly at once and offer you – 30mins / 45mins / 60mins flights. Maximum combined weight of 3 passengers and camera gear must be less than 250kgs per flight. We can also arrange return transfers to/from any destination (for example Cape Town) to/from the Whales at Hermanus – please inform us if we can assist you with transport. The best thing to do is book your Whale watching trip to occur on the first day you are in Hermanus/Cape Town and if the weather is not so good on that first day, then we just move your trip to the next good weather day. Weather forecasts can be viewed at - http://www.windfinder.com/forecast/hermanus |
NEW product - from DECEMBER 2024
Humpback Whale Watching boat trips on the West Coast at Yzerfontein - 1 hours drive north of Cape Town - Season re-starts - December, 2024 - full info HERE |